think about it,
what do YOU do when you're in a group that's praying.
i mean sure, you may be leaned forward, head down, fingers softly intwined in one another...that's not what i'm getting at.
what is your attitude...?
is it "c'mon hurry it up! i got places to be?"
maybe, "well that's dumb...you should've said this..."
but i think...I think, that probably the most common thought/action during prayer is thinking "what will I(me) pray?"
me me me. i i i. it's so selfish.
the last thing you should be doing when someone else is sharing their heart with God and you, is planning out the most impressive huge-word-filled speech you can. this person next to you is being raw. honest. and we can't muster up enough respect to LISTEN!
we're pathetic. I'M pathetic (i'm writing this out of remorse for my own actions)
basically what i'm trying to say is, just listen. pray along with the person. God doesn't want a speech, he wants a conversation.
who are we trying to impress? God? i hope not, man that's embarrassing.
are we trying to impress the guy next to us? why?! he's not gonna judge you for saying "um"
be real, be honest, be selfless and humble. me too